!function(){"use strict";var t=tinymce.util.Tools.resolve("tinymce.PluginManager"),a=function(t){return/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-:._]*$/.test(t)},e=function(t){var e=t.selection.getNode();return"A"===e.tagName&&""===t.dom.getAttrib(e,"href")?e.id||e.name:""},i=function(t,e){var n=t.selection.getNode();"A"===n.tagName&&""===t.dom.getAttrib(n,"href")?(n.removeAttribute("name"),n.id=e,t.undoManager.add()):(t.focus(),t.selection.collapse(!0),t.execCommand("mceInsertContent",!1,t.dom.createHTML("a",{id:e})))},n=function(r){var t=e(r);r.windowManager.open({title:"Anchor",body:{type:"textbox",name:"id",size:40,label:"Id",value:t},onsubmit:function(t){var e,n,o=t.data.id;e=r,(a(n=o)?(i(e,n),0):(e.windowManager.alert("Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores."),1))&&t.preventDefault()}})},o=function(t){t.addCommand("mceAnchor",function(){n(t)})},r=function(o){return function(t){for(var e=0;e 0 ) { // language dropdown var select = t.find( ':input[name="inline_lang_choice"]' ); var lang = $( '#lang_' + term_id ).html(); select.val( lang ); // populates the dropdown // disable the language dropdown for default categories var default_cat = $( '#default_cat_' + term_id ).html(); if ( term_id == default_cat ) { select.prop( 'disabled', true ); } } } } ); } ); /** * Update rows of translated terms when adding / deleting a translation or when the language is modified in quick edit. * Acts on ajaxSuccess event. */ jQuery( function( $ ) { $( document ).ajaxSuccess( function( event, xhr, settings ) { function update_rows( term_id ) { // collect old translations var translations = new Array(); $( '.translation_' + term_id ).each( function() { translations.push( $( this ).parent().parent().attr( 'id' ).substring( 4 ) ); } ); var data = { action: 'pll_update_term_rows', term_id: term_id, translations: translations.join( ',' ), taxonomy: $( "input[name='taxonomy']" ).val(), post_type: $( "input[name='post_type']" ).val(), screen: $( "input[name='screen']" ).val(), _pll_nonce: $( '#_pll_nonce' ).val() }; // get the modified rows in ajax and update them $.post( ajaxurl, data, function( response ) { if ( response ) { var res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse( response, 'ajax-response' ); $.each( res.responses, function() { if ( 'row' == this.what ) { // data is built with a call to WP_Terms_List_Table::single_row method // which uses internally other WordPress methods which escape correctly values. // For Polylang language columns the HTML code is correctly escaped in PLL_Admin_Filters_Columns::term_column method. $( "#tag-" + this.supplemental.term_id ).replaceWith( this.data ); // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.HTMLExecutingFunctions.replaceWith } } ); } } ); } var data = wpAjax.unserialize( settings.data ); // what were the data sent by the ajax request? if ( 'undefined' != typeof( data['action'] ) ) { switch ( data['action'] ) { // when adding a term, the new term_id is in the ajax response case 'add-tag': res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse( xhr.responseXML, 'ajax-response' ); $.each( res.responses, function() { if ( 'term' == this.what ) { update_rows( this.supplemental.term_id ); } } ); // and also reset translations hidden input fields $( '.htr_lang' ).val( 0 ); break; // when deleting a term case 'delete-tag': update_rows( data['tag_ID'] ); break; // in case the language is modified in quick edit and breaks translations case 'inline-save-tax': update_rows( data['tax_ID'] ); break; } } } ); } ); jQuery( function( $ ) { // translations autocomplete input box function init_translations() { $( '.tr_lang' ).each( function(){ var tr_lang = $( this ).attr( 'id' ).substring( 8 ); var td = $( this ).parent().parent().siblings( '.pll-edit-column' ); $( this ).autocomplete( { minLength: 0, source: ajaxurl + '?action=pll_terms_not_translated' + '&term_language=' + $( '#term_lang_choice' ).val() + '&term_id=' + $( "input[name='tag_ID']" ).val() + '&taxonomy=' + $( "input[name='taxonomy']" ).val() + '&translation_language=' + tr_lang + '&post_type=' + typenow + '&_pll_nonce=' + $( '#_pll_nonce' ).val(), select: function( event, ui ) { $( '#htr_lang_' + tr_lang ).val( ui.item.id ); // ui.item.link is built and come from server side and is well escaped when necessary td.html( ui.item.link ); // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.HTMLExecutingFunctions.html }, } ); // when the input box is emptied $( this ).on( 'blur', function() { if ( ! $( this ).val() ) { $( '#htr_lang_' + tr_lang ).val( 0 ); // Value is retrieved from HTML already generated server side td.html( td.siblings( '.hidden' ).children().clone() ); // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.HTMLExecutingFunctions.html } } ); } ); } init_translations(); // ajax for changing the term's language $( '#term_lang_choice' ).change( function() { var value = $( this ).val(); var lang = $( this ).children( 'option[value="' + value + '"]' ).attr( 'lang' ); var dir = $( '.pll-translation-column > span[lang="' + lang + '"]' ).attr( 'dir' ); var data = { action: 'term_lang_choice', lang: value, from_tag: $( "input[name='from_tag']" ).val(), term_id: $( "input[name='tag_ID']" ).val(), taxonomy: $( "input[name='taxonomy']" ).val(), post_type: typenow, _pll_nonce: $( '#_pll_nonce' ).val() }; $.post( ajaxurl, data, function( response ) { var res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse( response, 'ajax-response' ); $.each( res.responses, function() { switch ( this.what ) { case 'translations': // translations fields // Data is built and come from server side and is well escaped when necessary $( "#term-translations" ).html( this.data ); // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.HTMLExecutingFunctions.html init_translations(); break; case 'parent': // parent dropdown list for hierarchical taxonomies // data correctly escaped in PLL_Admin_Filters_Term::term_lang_choice method which uses wp_dropdown_categories function. $( '#parent' ).replaceWith( this.data ); // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.HTMLExecutingFunctions.replaceWith break; case 'tag_cloud': // popular items // data correctly escaped in PLL_Admin_Filters_Term::term_lang_choice method which uses wp_tag_cloud and wp_generate_tag_cloud functions. $( '.tagcloud' ).replaceWith( this.data ); // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.HTMLExecutingFunctions.replaceWith break; case 'flag': // flag in front of the select dropdown // Data is built and come from server side and is well escaped when necessary $( '.pll-select-flag' ).html( this.data ); // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.HTMLExecutingFunctions.html break; } } ); // Modifies the text direction $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'pll-dir-rtl' ).removeClass( 'pll-dir-ltr' ).addClass( 'pll-dir-' + dir ); } ); } ); } ); ( function( wp ) { if ( ! wp ) { return; } wp.plugins.registerPlugin( 'classic-editor-plugin', { render: function() { var createElement = wp.element.createElement; var PluginMoreMenuItem = wp.editPost.PluginMoreMenuItem; var url = wp.url.addQueryArgs( document.location.href, { 'classic-editor': '', 'classic-editor__forget': '' } ); var linkText = lodash.get( window, [ 'classicEditorPluginL10n', 'linkText' ] ) || 'Switch to classic editor'; return createElement( PluginMoreMenuItem, { icon: 'editor-kitchensink', href: url, }, linkText ); }, } ); } )( window.wp ); 'use strict';(function(d){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?d(require("../../lib/codemirror"),require("./searchcursor"),require("../scroll/annotatescrollbar")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["../../lib/codemirror","./searchcursor","../scroll/annotatescrollbar"],d):d(CodeMirror)})(function(d){function g(a,c,b,e){this.cm=a;this.options=e;var f={listenForChanges:!1},d;for(d in e)f[d]=e[d];f.className||(f.className="CodeMirror-search-match");this.annotation=a.annotateScrollbar(f); this.query=c;this.caseFold=b;this.gap={from:a.firstLine(),to:a.lastLine()+1};this.matches=[];this.update=null;this.findMatches();this.annotation.update(this.matches);var g=this;a.on("change",this.changeHandler=function(a,b){g.onChange(b)})}function h(a,c,b){return a<=c?a:Math.max(c,a+b)}d.defineExtension("showMatchesOnScrollbar",function(a,c,b){"string"==typeof b&&(b={className:b});b||(b={});return new g(this,a,c,b)});g.prototype.findMatches=function(){if(this.gap){for(var a=0;a=this.gap.to)break;c.to.line>=this.gap.from&&this.matches.splice(a--,1)}for(var b=this.cm.getSearchCursor(this.query,d.Pos(this.gap.from,0),this.caseFold),e=this.options&&this.options.maxMatches||1E3;b.findNext();){c={from:b.from(),to:b.to()};if(c.from.line>=this.gap.to)break;this.matches.splice(a++,0,c);if(this.matches.length>e)break}this.gap=null}};g.prototype.onChange=function(a){var c=a.from.line,b=d.changeEnd(a).line,e=b-a.to.line;this.gap?(this.gap.from=Math.min(h(this.gap.from, c,e),a.from.line),this.gap.to=Math.max(h(this.gap.to,c,e),a.from.line)):this.gap={from:a.from.line,to:b+1};if(e)for(a=0;a